GM addresses fans


It has been a rather confusing couple of days for sure for residents of San Jose.  With rumours aplenty regarding the future of there beloved Sharks, fans took to the streets to voice there displeasure with the idea of losing their team.  A large gathering began to grow outside of EA arEnA with fans holding signs calling for the team to stay, the removal of ownership, and an end to the bickering.


Fans were very vocal when asked too. “I have been a fan and season ticket holder from game one and I will for years to come,” stated Eddie Flakenberg. “It hasn’t been easy but I am here for the team and excited to see what the future could bring.”


Samantha Stevenson added, “I love going to games, not very familiar with hockey but, it sure is fun to watch and I keep coming back for more.”


With a sign that read: ‘San Jose needs its Shark feeding frenzy” Gabe Feldman added, “Why the **** go east?  Hockey is growing in the west!”


As a sign of support, season tickets for next season have already sold out.  


So fans ain’t the problem.  It is higher.  Much higher.


Kent Brockman

San Jose Sun